For the past few months, we have worked day and night, and kept ourselves from midnight snacks, to build the ideal app that can analyze any recipe and provide nutritional facts per serving. RecipeIQ was made with healthy eating in mind – our number one goal behind the app is to make healthy living an easier choice. Now the app can help you calculate your nutritional intake in terms of carbs, sugars, fats, protein, and more. This app is ideal for: ● Home cooks wanting to know exactly what they are consuming. ● Dieters watching out for healthy eating. ● Foodies ready to take their ingredient knowledge to the next level. ● Diabetics that need to track their nutritional intake. ● Parents who want to cook healthier alternatives for their children. ● & More! We hope you enjoy putting RecipeIQ to use as much as we enjoyed creating it. And don’t forget to share your thoughts with us – we’re always ready to hear!
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