Hi, I am the maker of Orcaso.io here. Pleasure interact with the community in here at BetaPage website. We have designed something that's very simple and gamified at micro levels, just enough to make it happen. 'The increase in productivity.' Summer 2017, I Graduated from Y Combinator's Startup School with another idea. But While I was in there, something beautiful happened to me. The pleasure hearing to practical advice. One key Advice they kept stressing and I liked was this "Get things done faster. That's the route to progress". to deliver greatness, the team matters. What drives them? How committed are they? That differentiates a leader and a chaser. The project management tools are good enough to review and track. They tell us what's happening but don't help. And the very familiar ones are very complex, and I don't think so complexity helps productivity. We need something very simple, light and works at the micro level. Gamification works. But gamification is not just ab
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