Mytriapp is the first S.I.R.M. (student-information relationship manager) ever. It is a web App which allows students of any kind (college, uni, master, course or hobby) to save time and effort when it comes to synthetising and studying their information. Mytriapp include many features. For starters, you can sync it with Google Drive and Dropbox, in order to have on it all your files. You can also upload manually any pdf's, powerpoints, word files etc. that you want to work with, as well as any plain text or URL that you find interesting. Once the document is in Mytriapp, you can underline in any color, comment any part of the text, search in wikipedia or translate, without moving from the same screen. Creating summaries is incredibly easy and it also allows you to include Bibliographic citations or the bibliography of the document you are working on with one click. Other features are it's mind maps, and the mnemonic games and exercises Mytriapp will use for your self-evaluation.
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