No matter where you are at this time, you can still access your favorite media content and streaming services (like Pandora or Netflix) with Cargo VPN. Using this VPN solution you are safe from unwanted intrusions and government surveillance. If you use torrents for downloading and sharing of your files you can do so without being worried that your location and identity are accessible to someone unwanted. Your private information including passwords, billing address, credit card details are better off when you are using Cargo VPN to connect to public WiFi. As an added bonus, using different VPN settings in the app can help you save on hotels, flights, and car rentals, as those are often priced according to your current location. Play with VPN location settings to see where to get a better deal. Cargo VPN is available for Mac, iPhone and iPad and covers an immense territory with its more than 70 locations in various countries and over 1000 VPN powerful servers.
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